Snakehead celery soup

soup is easy to eat, easy to make but difficult to forget, the sweet taste of the soup mix ecstasy of snakehead fish taste and aroma of vegetables do slightly warm food became ever more bold.

- 250g Snakehead
- 200g of vegetables need water
- 2 purple onion
- Pepper, salt
- Fish sauce, cooking oil
- Ajinomoto MSG
- County wedge Ajingon

Recipes :

1. pre-processing
- Cleaning fish, boiled fish with 1 liter of boiling water, remove the meat, fish, bones removed.
- Vegetables need to soak the rice water, washed, cut to taste.
- Sliced ​​purple onion, chopped.
- African violet scented with 1M of cooking oil, turn off the heat, mix meat with onion, salt 1/2m, 1/2m Ajinomoto monosodium glutamate, pepper and 1m 1/3m sauce.

2. soup
- Boil fish broth, the need to cook, continue to fish in, seasoned with salt 1/2m, 1m and 1m sauce Ajingon granules.

3. how to use
- Ladle soup into bowl, sprinkle pepper. Use hot with rice, raw fish sauce and sliced ​​peppers.

Tips for you :
Vegetables need more capital grows algae in the water, to clean up soaked in rice water or flour mixed with water, then wash and cut fresh vegetables lai.Rua will retain more vitamin C in vegetables.